OUR HISTORYMaloney’s Custom Ocular Prosthetics was founded in 1948 by Bernard A. Maloney. He served during World War II as a surgical and dental technician. After Mr. Maloney served in the South Pacific, the Veteran’s Administration selected him to train in Ocularistry and Anaplastology. He then went to study at the Medical School of the University of Maryland in Baltimore. After returning to Portland, he became the Chief of the Restoration Clinic at the Veteran’s Hospital and the Director of the Prosthetics Clinic at the University of Oregon Health Sciences Center, now known as OHSU.
Mr. Maloney worked for the Veteran’s Hospital and OHSU for 27 years until he retired in 1974. He traveled the South Pacific with his wife extensively before being enticed back into ocularistry and opening an ocular prosthetics lab at Good Samaritan Hospital in Portland in 1975. His daughter Maureen joined the practice in 1976. During this time, Mr. Maloney became very involved with the American Society of Ocularists and eventually served as President of the organization from 1985-1986. In 1987, Mr. Maloney retired for a second time, leaving the practice to his daughter, Maureen, and his son-in-law, Kevin Schou, the two Board Certified Ocularists that run Maloney's Custom Ocular Prosthetics today.